4xButtons shared Room example

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4xButtons shared Room example

4xButtons station, or 4xbuttons + 2xPull Cords station in shared Room with individual Cancel per Bed

(i.e.Room with two beds, require to show Alarm per Room and each bed individual status)


First is to configure BaseName parameter under EMS section


Second is to define DI (Digital Inputs) for buttons to use under GPIO section.

Is very important to assign same Control Type for a  group of inputs per each bed.

Fro example if you using button station with two buttons on left (Alarm and Cancel for Bed A)

and two buttons on right (Alarm and Cancel for Bed B). Same idea with the Pull Cords.

Also depending of the Button Station used to set type button (Pull-In or Pull-Up)




Next step is to configure how the Alarm Trigger will be controlled by buttons.

Go to Alarm Triggers section and create two triggers per each section of the buttons.




As a result of this configuration, each group 1 and 2 will use own Cancel button. If Alarm Button for Bed A will be pressed,

then Alarm per this Room will pop-up on the Live panel and will reflect button used. If the Room is configured and right

Screen template is selected, then Bed number will be displayed on the screen as well.




If the button from the second Bed B will be triggered, then Live Panel will update the Room alarm with the

effective button and will show both



If Cancel from one of the Bed will be pressed, - Alarm applet continue to be active and respective button deactivated

If Cancel from last Bed is pressed,- Alarm Screen will disappear and history frame will be update with the new records

