Staff Cards

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Staff Cards


Staff cards are generated inside EMS Mobile application, it is used to identify Staff level users. From the EMS Mobile application we may cancel ongoing alarms via NFC Tags that are attached to Devices or Wireless Devices and the staff user will be indicated in the analytical report, but this functionality is not completely implemented at the present moment. More specifically, we can cancel an ongoing alarm in the EMS system via NFC tag and record the staff user in the analytical report, but on the physical device an alarm would not be cancelled.


Typically, this interface is not used to define staff cards or attach cards to actual staff users. This interface can be useful to block a card, to make a description for a card or to import a list of existing cards when i.e.: migrating from another EMS system.


Create/Edit page


1.Facility selection

2.User selection

3.Card identification number defined in the EMS Mobile application

4.Activate the card by enabling the check mark

5.Description, not required


List page


1.Upload CSV import file

2.Sample import file with examples. To download the sample file click on 'Import Record Format'; CSV file format with semicolon used as a separator: Facility Name;Staff Card Identifier;Staff Card Description;Staff User Identifier

3.Current staff cards